Week 3: Maybe It’s Maybelline, Part 2

Part 2 😀

I did a little test yesterday, and I am not GREEN, but while out and about today I said this: I AM NOW DELIBERATELY AND JOYOUSLY RADIATING LOVE TO MYSELF MY WORLD AND ALL MANKIND. I deliberately looked at people in the face and smiled at them. I had people stop in me in the middle of the cross walk to talk. The valet SAT in MY car while I was standing at MY car door waiting for him to get out. He just talked and talked and talked. Someone bought my lunch at the snack stand. The list goes on and on.

Oh, I didn’t mention that I wanted to pass out some products during my outings today. I have had my eyes on the construction workers that are building a new house across the street from me. So I had a master plan: I would take them some of my company’s energy drink and some bottled water and make a sale, Wahooo!  I was driving home from my errands and stopped by the site before pulling into my driveway. I asked the guys if the needed some water. I was not radiating at this time, I was trying to make a sale!!

I pulled into my driveway and the affirmation that I had been saying ALL day hit me like a ton on bricks. I AM DELIBERATELY AND JOYOUSLY RADIATING LOVE! Was I really doing that or just trying to make a sale to dehydrated construction guys? Well I learned a big lesson. To radiate or have the IT factor it must but done without an agenda. Without wanting something in return! People will follow you automatically when you are radiating, you won’t to have to chase after them! So on the way back to deliver the water I went without an agenda. I just wanted to show them some love and kindness. The guys were so appreciative that someone in the neighborhood took the time to see if they needed water. I stayed and chatted with them for a few minutes and one of the guys said to me, “There is just something about you that made me calm down when you handed me water.” Wow, I wanted to cry, I had the IT factor for 2 whole minutes! 😀 The sun was shining in my solar plexus and it felt GREAT! What a great lesson  learned!

PS: Don’t get me wrong, there is a time to sale but this wasn’t the right time, this was time ONLY TO SHINE!! The kindness that I showed will return to 100 fold in mysterious ways.

Until next time…..

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18 Responses to Week 3: Maybe It’s Maybelline, Part 2

  1. Renae Massey says:

    You are awsome Vikki. I can feel your love!

  2. Diane says:

    Loved this Vikki – it is so true. Keep showing love for others from your heart!! You ROCK girl!!!

    Diane Norris MK

  3. Lynn says:

    Vikki, you are the IT woman! You shine and are spreading your sunshine, radiating through out life. Your sunbeams are touching many! You are the inspiration. You are “It”. You are living in abundance. You are living with gusto.

  4. mkdale says:

    Great lesson Vikki! Were your ears burning too? Jim McGregor and I were talking about what a great person you are 🙂

  5. I really enjoyed your blog. You’ve got it going on!

  6. I know you light up a room when you walk in! You have an energy about you that is contagious. Thanks for sharing your story, it’s inspiring.

  7. Wow what a Story really sharing your Journey in such a detailed way. That teaches a lesson. The lesson is the more we give the more we get the Creator is watching and let him keep score. It is too exhausting to have to keep score . Love J

  8. Hey Vikki, It feels so good, doesn’t it. So what is this “Master Key”?

  9. Amen Vikki !
    What you did was very Christ Like,
    Just keep on doing what you’re doing and your rewards will be so large that your storehouse will not be able to contain it.

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